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Stephanïe Vandëm

Updated: Sep 24, 2024

ANXIETY!!! The big bad word that we all experience at a time or another.

What is it?

Where does it come from?

How to cope when in the mist of it?

Anxiety is a fear response. A perceived lack of control. A sense of not ‘being prepared’ to deal with the (sudden) situation we are presented with.

The situation, no matter how 'logically' small, feels bigger than our real or perceived coping resources. So, we feel overwealmed by the sense of failure and fear.

Anxiety can of course also be a ‘proportional’ response to an actual danger or a trigger. A trigger or situation that bring back memories and experiences of our past and with it, the emotions associated with that memory.

Some say that even the expereinces of our past-lives can help explain why certain situations cause us anxiety!

However, we must be also aware that we don't clearly remenber every single experience of our lives. A lot get thrown into our subcoucious from all sorts of places: films, books, what other tell us...

The amazing thing about the mind is that it will absorb as 'memory' anything that had a strong emough 'emotion' attached to it. It's not alwasy easy to differentiate what we actually expereined ourseves, what we absorbed. Because in one way or another, it got into our minds!

We can experience anxiety when thinking of the past, present but also the future. Our imagination can’t really differentiate time zones!

So, what to do!?!

In this video I chat about a very 'silly' situation that brought about childhood triggers causing me great anxiety, and how I coped:


😀 Smile

🗣️ Speak

I hope it helps you too in some way

💪❤️‍🩹 Much love 🌸💋


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